Wednesday 14 March 2012

increase traffic

increase traffic 

1. Go to your Blogger Dashboard click on ---> Design tab ---> Edit HTML tab.

2. Make sure to take backup of your Template before making any changes to your HTML. (More Info On: How To Backup Blogger Template.

3. Now click on Expand Template Widgets check box.

4. Search for <head> tag in your TemplateMore Info On: "How To Find A Code In Blogger Template".

5. Copy and Paste the following piece of code Above the <head>.
<script language='Javascript'>
if(parent.location != self.location)
6. Save your template and check your website.

Redirect Google Images Traffic To Wordpress Blogs

There is a simple plugin called ‘Break Out Of Frames’ available for WordPress blogs, simple install it and gain back all the lost revenue and image traffic to your blogs. Once the plugin installed on your blog it will force Google Images Search to redirect all visitors to your blog. Download link is below.

Break Out Of Frames

Hope you'll found this article useful, I would be really interesting to know how much traffic you gain after installing the code and plugin on blogs.

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