41. Blank Canvas Script Handler
Blank Canvas Script Handler extension allows you customize web sites by running bits of JavaScript on pages. This supports many of the functions which are normally used in scripts. There are some key features like.- It has a built-in script editor that allows you create or modify scripts.
- Shows a list of scripts running on the current page.
- Easily to install the script.
- kind of an unofficial Greasemonkey for Chrome, which support all the functions.
42. WordPress Comment Notifier
WordPress Comment Notifier is very useful to the bloggers who handle more than one blog. This extension will check the pending comments on your WordPress blog and displays it as a badge or gives you a notification about the unread comment. Without opening a new tab you can reply to, Trash or mark it as spam. This extension is very handy for bloggers owing more than one or multiple blogs.43. Live Stylesheets
Live Stylesheets allows you to edit style-sheet on any webpage live. This extension is similar to firebug extension. This extension open a panel into the current tab where you can make all the changes in just one click.44. WhatFont
WhatFont is a good way to find out font styles. This extension is simple and easy to use. It allows you to find the fonts used in a webpage. You just need to hover the mouse on them. It also finds the services used for serving the web fonts.45. ChromePass
ChromePass displays all the passwords that has been stored for your website logins. In Google Chrome you can view the saved password one by one were as in ChromePass you will find the list of passwords in bulk. It also displays the user name and password as well as time of creation. You can export this list of username and password to a file (HTML, XML).46. Digg for Chrome
Digg for Chromer is an official Digg extension. It allows you to view the Digg count of any URL on address bar. It also has a random button that allows you to discover new content from the web. Easy to share any URL (Facebook, Twitter).47. Chrome Editor
Chrome Editor extension makes coding easier for web developers. Coding is a very difficult part of a blogger and web developer, it is also difficult to switch between browser and code editor. chrome extension allows you to edit code within the browser, for your reference you can save the code locally. There are others features too.- Mail your code to your friends.
- Validate your code on the w3c website.
- Share your code on twitter.
- Save file to desktop lets you save any of your work out as a file on your computer so you can test in other environments.
48. Ibrii
Ibrii extension allows you to snip of content like images, videos, text from any website. It gives the facility to decide how to share the content on Facebook, Twitter. Also it allows you to create RSS feeds for your personal Blog.49. RemindMe
RemindMe No one like to miss important task, it is better we set a reminder about the task and work to be done later. Chrome extension remindme allows you to set up reminders while browsing. You can synchronize the reminders between computers using chrome built-in “Synchronize MY Bookmark” functionality. You can set the reminder for a specific time or work to be done later.50. Google Dictionary
Google Dictionary everyone are not master in any language. Sometime or the other they will be in need to dictionary. This Google Chrome extension allows you to find the meaning of any word or phrase with in the web page. You just need to double click on the word and a small pop up bubble will display with the definition. International words are automatically translated to your choice of language.51. Facebook Notification Checker
Facebook Notification Checker help you to say connected with your bloggers and friends easily. Once you receive a new Facebook notification the extension will notifies in red icon. It also notified for any new message or friends request.52. AddThis
AddThis is most popular services for bookmarking and sharing. This extension allows you to share, bookmark. Print or translate pages or article quickly. You can share to more than 200 website including Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Google+, StumbleUpon and so on. Using this extension you can also email webpage to your friends and family.53. TwitterBar
TwitterBar extension enables you to post to twitter from Google chrome toolbar directly. The URL and titles is automatically entered to the text-box. URL is auto shortened when you post to twitter. By clicking the option button you can change the URL shortener.54. Chromed Bird
Chromed Bird is one of the awesome extension that enables you to post anything without logging to your twitter account. You can add or remove timeline tabs. Also create a custom search query that gets updated automatically.55. WiseStamp
WiseStamp extension enables you to share your social profiles and promote information you care about in every email you send. This looks professional. It enables you to create multiple signatures. It also adds social Profiles like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, Gtalk etc to your email signature.56. Drop.io
Drop.io lets say you are browsing some Google Images and you click Drop All ImagesDrop.io extension will upload all the images to your drop. You can access them easily when and where you wish to. Drop.io extension creates a new drop or else you can set a single default drop.57. Chrome Chikitizer
Chrome Chikitizer last few years shortening URL has become more popular. Google Chrome has introduced an extension called Chrome Chikitizer. Chikitizer means Tiny. This extension helps you in shorten the URL directly from your chrome browser.58. Split Screen
Split Screen extension helps you to split browser viewing panel into two separate panels. You can enjoy browsing two websites at the same time by using this extension giving to dual view in your browser.59. TPGoogleReader
TPGoogleReader this extension is excellent for a Feed geek. When a website has a new feed, the icon will turn orange. You can click to a popup menu and see the list of feeds available and than click on any one feed you wish to read in Google Reader. You can read as well as subscribe the feeds. The number of Feeds unread will be displayed in your Goole Reader account.60. DayHiker
DayHiker is an extension which reminds your daily task. Remembering the task and daily work routine is very difficult. DayHiker is an extension for Google calendar where in you can manage your schedule, task and daily routine work on the toolbar from your Google calendar. It has an alarm clock which helps you to manage your time effectively.I hope you buddies like all these above Chrome extensions and this is the third part of the Google Chrome extension series. I would also like to know your experience about these extension in the comments.
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